Thursday 23 March 2017

my writing so far ( i will add more when it is done)

The trouble that is sleeping

The moon glowed immensely outside  telling me it was time to sleep, but that was not a possibility because  my troubles had just began.

  It started with these word whispered softly, “ Hey guys let stay up all night”  
Replied with a “Yes!” by the majority of the boys.

We chatted noisily and laughed repeatedly until someone bluttered out,  “ be quiet !” at the top their lungs.
“SHHHHHHHHHHHH,” whispered Max. “You're gonna get us caught!”
“That’s the point,” said william. “I want to sleep.”

I let out a loud groan, sadly all this noise was least of my troubles.

After 10 minutes of silence, Jeff asked quietly “Is william a sleep yet?”

“I hope so!” Oliver replied.

I waited for someone to speak. Finally I might be able to get to sleep, but no!

“Good night Fred, James, Max, Oliver, Jeff and Poeme! I am going to sleep.” I whisper softly. But this is where everything starts to  go wrong!  I heard the sound of a siren.  At the speed of light  I sat up and said in a panicked voice, “Is it just me or is everyone hearing that siren ?”

A sleeping bag rustled. Oliver sat up and shouted to me “Blake, get your torch  we have to get  outside !”

I grabbed my torch and hurried down my cold ladder and jumped onto the hard floor where Oliver was waiting for me. Simultaneously we ran too the large shiny door I push down the lock. And waiting outside for us was Mr Mills who grumbled too us “  What are you doing out of bed boys you should be asleep by now.”
Oliver replies In a worried voice “We heard a siren and we think there is a tsunami coming .”  

“Don’t be stupid boys, that's just a fire I have heard them in hamilton to” feeling safer now went back to bed. When we got back  to our cabin it was dead silent but the noise soon started up again. Man I had a noisy cabin I needed to know what the time was so I would know how much more noise there would be. It was only 10:30  

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